Thursday, October 1, 2009

About Us

Welcome to A Cooking Mom or Two! This is a cooking blog (I know, shocking) where we will have recipes, reviews and giveaways for all things kitchen and food related, and just generally a good time.

I'm Jen from Jens Herd, one of the cooking moms. I am a mom of 5 and a lover of creating in the kitchen. I have a certain fondness for chocolate and desserts that I'm willing to share with everyone. I also try to cook healthy meals for our family, which I'm sure most people can appreciate. Obviously, with 5 kids and a husband that I'm sure has a hollow leg, I cook on a larger scale then most people do on a regular basis, but we have something for everyone.

I'm Jessi, the other cooking mom. I am a mom of 4 and a lover of cooking. I like to experiment in the kitchen and am not afraid to get messy in the least. I too love chocolate and desserts although I am still learning to share lol. We too try to eat healthy but with 4 picky kids and a picky husband it can be a challenge in the kitchen most days. I too cook on a larger scale but don't worry there will be enough here for everyone to enjoy. Also I encourage you to visit my daily blog, Jabbering Jessi, there are tons of giveaways non-food related on there as well as my jabberings of my everyday life as a wife and a mother.

If you don't find what you are looking for, send us a note and we'll try to help. Don't be afraid to send us your recipes to try out as well!

If you have a delicious recipe you would like to share with our readers please use go to Contact Us and fill out the recipe submission form and we will gladly post it to our blog under both the category it fits as well as a guest blogger submissions category with full credit to you and links to your blog if you have one!!!